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Hypermiling: What You Need to Know

Hypermiling: What You Need to Know

We have already touched on hypermiling this year but with fuel prices going through the roof, we decided it was time to give you a more in-depth insight into the phenomenon. In this series, we tell you what hypermiling is, how to make hypermiling a success, and why it matters.

What is hypermiling?

Hypermiling is the act of driving your vehicle in a way that ensures it exceeds the manufacturer’s optimal MPG.

Is hypermiling a new thing?

Although you may only be hearing about it for the first time, hypermiling has been around for over 15 years and made it into the Oxford English Dictionary in 2008.

Why is hypermiling so hot at the moment?

Hypermiling can help you to reduce your fuel consumption - and therefore costs - by 40%. In reality, you may not achieve such big savings but in the current fuel and climate crisis, any saving is a bonus.

Hypermiling terms

If you are serious about hypermiling, then you will need to learn some of the terms regularly used, such as:

  • P & G – Pulse and glide – a process of gently accelerating to 40 mph (pulse) then easing off the accelerator and gliding along until you hit 25 mph again, before pulsing back up to 40. This process means that the engine only works to accelerate, never to idle at a steady speed.
  • FAS – Forced auto stop – this is similar to P & G but without reaccelerating.
  • D-FAS – Draft-assisted FAS is a term used by extreme hypermiling experts and is not safe, nor is it recommended. It involves FAS and driving along in the wake of a larger vehicle at speed.
  • DWB – Driving without brakes – is pretty self-explanatory. If you aim NOT to use your brakes you are aiming not to expend unnecessary energy. See a traffic light or turning coming up? Instead of easing off the accelerator and straight on the brakes you ease off the accelerator much earlier and FAS until you come to a natural stop at the lights or turning (don’t forget to change gears).
  • RR – Ridge riding is a technique that sees hypermiling pros using the very outside edges of the road in order to avoid damaged roads and potholes. This reaps the most rewards in poor weather; by avoiding small dips in the road, you can avoid drag from driving through puddles.
  • FoP – Face out parking is a no-brainer unless you are planning on needing access to your boot. Find drive-through parking spaces or ones that require minimal manoeuvring. The saving may be small, but pennies make pounds (and we need all the help we can get at the moment).
  • FE – Fuel economy – is the thing about which hypermiling fans obsess. The aim is, of course, to get the best fuel economy you can.

Now we have the hypermiling basics you can start saving £s on your fuel! Follow Trust A Garage on Facebook or Twitter for next week’s instalment.

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