Especially during the shorter days of winter, it is more important than ever to make sure that your headlights are in good working order. What’s more, if your vehicle is due for its MoT Test, checking your headlights beforehand could save you time and money.
Only half of vehicles pass their MoT Test first time, and failed headlight bulbs or incorrect headlight aim are the most likely cause of MoT failure. Most of these failures can, therefore, be avoided: it is easy to check that your headlights work and easy to replace bulbs yourself. But you also need to ensure that they aim correctly to ensure your safety, and the safety of other road users.
How to make sure that your headlights are safe
- Check the condition of your lights and casings. Check that your headlamps are free from condensation, that the covering is clean and that the reflector is intact. Damaged reflectors, or cracked or dirty lenses can cause the light from your headlights to be blurred; this is unsafe and will result in MoT Test failure. If you notice impaired light from your headlights, or that your headlight casing is damaged or cracked, take your vehicle to your garage to get your lights checked and, if necessary, replaced.
- Check your bulb. If you change your bulb, ensure that it is correctly aligned, to make sure that the aim is right. Use good quality bulbs, and be aware that you may need to alter the aim of your headlight after you change the bulb.
- Check your lights dip to the left. UK registered vehicles should have headlights which dip to the left. If yours dip to the right, they can be fitted with beam converters to ensure that they pass the MoT Test.
If you are in any doubt as to whether your headlights are working properly, regardless of whether you have your MoT Test due, get in touch with a local garage. They will have a beam checker that will check to see whether your headlights meet the required standards. Remember, you don’t just want your headlights to work so you pass your MoT Test! You want them to be safe for use in all weather conditions. By checking that your headlights work, either by yourself or with your local garage, you will have complete peace of mind, and can avoid potentially dangerous situations.
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