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New Year’s Resolutions – For Your Car

New Year’s Resolutions – For Your Car

With a fuzzy head and a tight waistline, the festive period always feels like a good time to make promises for the oncoming year. It’s not just your health that you need to look after, though. Your car needs a little tlc, too. Here are some classic new year’s resolutions – for your vehicle.

Drink less – save money

It’s not just us humans who drink more when we are under stress – failing to look after your vehicle can leave it thirsty – and leave you out of pocket. A few simple tips will help you to reduce your fuel consumption and save money for more interesting things (like human drink!).

  • Reduce your speed – dropping from 80mph to 70mph could consume 25% less fuel.
  • Stay streamlined – wind up windows and remove roof bars and boxes when they are not in use to reduce wind resistance and save on fuel.
  • Keep your foot off the pedal – accelerating and braking frequently lead to a thirsty car – instead of braking suddenly, gradually reduce your speed to reduce your fuel consumption.

Lose weight

It goes without saying that a heavier car takes more energy to move. So, by lightening the load as much as you can, you can reduce strain on the vehicle’s bodywork, wheels and engine – while also reducing fuel consumption. If your boot is overflowing with “just in case” bits and pieces, give them a look over and clear out anything that doesn’t need to be there. Not only will you be saving the environment, but you might even notice that your vehicle is easier to handle and brakes more efficiently.

Quit smoking

Unless you have been living underground for the last decade or two, you will know that emissions aren’t just bad for the environment, they are harmful to your health, too. You can reduce your emissions by using good quality fuel, changing your oil and reducing your mileage. If you can, walk or delay your trip – if you can’t, try switching your engine off when you are sitting in traffic. That small gesture can make a huge difference. If you are worried about your emissions, book into your local garage for an oil change and check over.

Keep up the maintenance

Just as our bodies start to wear with age, so do vehicles. But you can fight the natural signs of ageing in a vehicle by ensuring that you keep up your services and consult with your garage the moment you notice something unusual. That knocking sound may be something sinister, but one thing is certain: the longer you leave it, the worse it is going to get. At the very least, a trip to the local garage will give you peace of mind.

As we look forward to a new year full of hope, we would like to thank you for your custom over the last year and wish you and your vehicle a happy, healthy new year. For more guidance and advice, join our community of trusted mechanics and customers on Facebook or Twitter.

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