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New Year’s Resolutions – For Your Vehicle!

New Year’s Resolutions – For Your Vehicle!

From all the team at Trust A Garage, we would like to wish you a very happy New Year! We’ve all made a few resolutions, incorporating a range of challenges: lose weight, get fit, stop drinking, stop shopping, learn a language, but we think that your car deserves a little tlc in 2019, too. So here are our top New Year’s resolutions for your vehicle.

Keep It Clean

How many of us dash from work/school/shops home and forget to clear the rubbish out of our car? The intention to have a tidy up and clean the inside and outside of the car is always there, but somehow there rarely seems time. One way of making sure that you keep your car clean in 2018 is to set aside one day a month where you clear out rubbish and the accumulated detritus (shopping bags, wellies, scarves etc). This will help keep your vehicle looking good and will encourage you (and your passengers) to respect it, too. If you just don’t have the time, treat your car to a monthly or quarterly valet. Valeting services aren’t too expensive and leave your car feeling as good as new.

Book Those Services

Most vehicle owners get their car serviced once year, but if you book in a minor service halfway through, you will help to avoid nasty surprises when it is time for the MOT test. What’s more, you could save money by picking up issues before they cause serious damage. Booking a minor service with a trusted garage may well save you money, but it also helps you to spread the cost of vehicle maintenance across the year, instead of facing a daunting bill at the annual major service.

Check Your Tyres

Tyres are integral to your safety and your car’s performance. Check your tyres regularly; inspect them for wear and tear, and make sure that the tread is above the legal limit. You should check your tyre pressure once a month, too, to make sure that you are driving safely and efficiently. If you are in doubt, see a local garage or tyre specialist.

Drive Carefully

Even the most careful drivers are prone to a lapse in concentration. No matter how safe you think you are driving, make it your New Year’s resolution to drive even more safely. Stick to the speed limit (not over or significantly under), ease off the accelerator and break gently. Most importantly, make sure that you have a break if you are tired.

By following our tips, you can have a happier and safer year. For more information and advice, follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

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