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Tips Every Driver Should Know (But Not Many Do)

Tips Every Driver Should Know (But Not Many Do)

At Trust A Garage we are committed to helping our customers to get the most out of their vehicles, helping them to ensure their safety, maintain their vehicles’ value, and optimise comfort. Our garage owners have picked up a few tricks over the years: we take a look at top tips that every vehicle owner should know, but which not many actually do!

Prevent your windows from misting by applying a thin coat of hair shampoo (try a baby shampoo). Smear it on the windows and rub off again, you will leave an invisible layer that prevents the inside from misting up.

In frosty weather, don’t just use warm air and demisters; these will take a while to kick in as your engine needs to warm up first. A quick blast with the air conditioning will get rid of the frost and help your compressor from seizing up. What’s more, the air produced by your air con unit is dry, so it will also remove some of the moisture from the air.

Reduce fuel consumption by switching the air conditioning off. In slow-moving traffic, you can save energy by switching the air con off and opening windows instead...

...Unless you’re on the motorway. If you are driving at speed, the drag caused by your open windows can reduce your mpg. As a result, you are better off closing your windows and deploying the air con instead.

Help to extend your engine’s life by putting your car in neutral when you are stopped in traffic, or at traffic lights. This will give your engine a break, reduces the pressure on your vehicle’s cooling system, and can help to increase your average mpg.

But try not to coast in neutral. While coasting can save a little fuel and preserve the engine, it can take its toll in brakes, leading to potentially costly wear and tear.

Check your tyre pressure to save money. By keeping your tyre pressure at the recommended levels, you could save hundreds of pounds a year (about 3% of your total spend on fuel). The correct tyre pressure will depend on your vehicle, tyres and the temperature, so make sure yours are within the manufacturers’ recommendations to extend the life of your tyres and optimise mpg.

Keep your fuel tank topped up. Most drivers know that running a car on the red is a bad idea, because the bottom of your tank contains dregs that aren’t great for the engine. However, during the winter, it is wise to keep your tank over half full. This is because moist air in the tank condenses, and the water settles on the bottom of the tank, adding the to “sludge” at the bottom of your fuel tank.

If you want to make sure that your vehicle is as efficient as possible, make sure you have it regularly serviced by a garage that you trust. By following our simple tips, you will help to keep your car running smoother, for longer.

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